In the seventeenth century, religious art was revitalized through a new style called, Baroque. The most famous Baroque painter of the time, and possibly all time, was Rembrandt. Unlike many other artists whose works were very stylized toward only on specific thing, i.e., landscapes, portraits, still life, etc., Rembrandt was very gifted in that he was skilled in landscapes, portraits,religious scenes, militia paintings, etc. This Baroque style was very realistic, and true to reality, rather than many portraits of costumed, or fantasy costumed Lords and Lady's. In a way, this Baroque style came to art as a "renewal" or "revitalization," but this "revitalization," was a return to antiquity and old ways and styles of art. This Classic style of painting. For painting things as they are. The Baroque Movement was consistent of, "The grand, inspirational and populist style of Baroque Art encompassed architecture, sculpture and painting, and was essentially driven by the Roman Catholic Church's revivalist agenda to enhance its image following the Protestant Revolt of the early 16th century."(©
One famous Baroque artist of the time, was named Gaspard Dughet, or Gaspard Poussin. He was of French parents, and himself a in Rome. He dabbled in etching, and found his true calling in landscapes. He got his hand at painting, most likely from his brother-in-law, Nicholas Poussini, who married Gaspard's sister, and gave Gaspard his surname. It is said that Gaspard Poussini was the initiator of the classic landscape, and all that is left of his collection of works to this day, are his ever famous landscape paintings. Fortunate to my assignment, Gaspard's most famous landscapes were painted in 1650 and the early 1650's.
entitled Ideal Landscape, ca. 1650.
entitled; View of Tivoli. ca. 1650.
These are only two of the landscapes that Gaspard produced during the 1650's. But even just in these two, you can see the evident difference in style, and color choice, that lack of people and inhabitant in one, versus nature in the other. Gaspard Poussini was known for his choice in color and dark rich texture for trees and forests, but also we can see how that contrasts and compares with the top landscape, The Ideal landscape.
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